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Holli Hutson


Summer Adult Jazz

Summer Adult Tap

Summer Theater Dance Class

Summer Drama Camp

Creative Writing Summer Camp

Mountain Movers Dance Club
Elementary Drama Club

Holli Hutson

Holli is a lifelong resident of Signal Mountain and an alum of Signal Mountain Elementary School. She holds a MA in Theater Education with an emphasis in dance and is certified in K-12 Theater, K-12 Dance and Secondary English. She is currently on faculty in the Professional Actor Training Program at Chattanooga State where she teaches Movement for actors. At Chatt State, Holli also teaches Intro to Theater and Intro to Dance. Area schools Holli has taught in include Center for Creative Arts, Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences, East Hamilton Middle High School, Red Bank Middle School and Signal Mountain Middle School. Holli is also a Licensed Fletcher Pilates Provider and has taught Pilates at the YMCA, Siskin Fitness Center and the Chattanooga Theatre Centre. Holli loves teaching adults movement and dance and looks forward to having you in class.

Scroll Down to see Holli's Summer Camp Classes!


Mountain Movers Dance Club 

Cost: $20 per month

Dates: Feb. 28th, March 28th, April 25th, May 30th

Time: 4:30 to 5:30 PM

Age: 2nd to 5th Grade (Boys and Girls)

Limit to 10 students

Holli Hutson is a lifelong resident of Signal and has over 20 years of experience teaching dance and movement in the Chattanooga area. She holds a MA in Theater Education with a dance emphasis and is certified in K-12 Dance, K-12 Theater, Secondary English and K-12 ESL. She has taught dance and movement at East Hamilton Middle High School, UTC Opera Workshop, Covenant College, Chattanooga State, CSAS, Chattanooga Ballet, Siskin Fitness Center, and Mountain Arts Community Center.

Description: This is a great form of creative movement where students explore the elements of dance (i.e. Energy, Levels, Space, Shapes, Pathways)  and create original dances based on BrainDance for boys and girls. It helps develop focus, balance, mobility, flexibility, creativity, communication and collaboration. This is a great foundation for sports and other forms of dance. No dance experience needed. 

I have taught BrainDance as a form of creative dance/movement at CSAS, Chattanooga State, Covenant College and Siskin Fitness Center. This dance club is appropriate for boys and girls. Wear comfortable clothes to move in and be able to dance barefoot. Bring a water bottle. See you there!

For questions and more info email Holli at Be sure to register online with the MACC as well.  Payment may be made through venmo at @Holli-Hutson-1 

Elementary Drama Club w/ Holli Hutson 

Come explore the world of drama each month with Holli Hutson at the MACC. Each club meeting will include an actor warmup, interactive theater games and a lesson/focus for that month. Students will gain skills in creativity, concentration, collaboration and be part of a creative community of fellow actors. Drama Club is open to grades 2nd to 5th grade. Only 10 spots available per month. 

Location: Mountain Arts Community Center on Signal Mountain 

Time: 4:30 to 5:30 PM 

Cost: $20 per child per month 

Class Dates: 

     January 24th - Intro to Acting  

     February 22nd - Creating Characters 

     March 7th - Storytelling and Improvisation 

     April 11th - Performing with a Script 

Join Holli this summer for Summer Camps at the MACC in June for rising 2nd to 5th graders. Campers will write and perform original plays during drama camp! 

Email for more information and questions. Payment may be made through venmo at @Holli-Hutson-1

Summer Adult Jazz Dance Fitness Class (Jazz Dance with Cardio and Pilates)

Come enjoy Jazz Dance Fitness class this summer. This class is based in jazz dance sprinkled with cardio and Pilates. No dance experience needed.  Wear comfortable clothes and jazz sneakers or regular sneakers for arch support. Bring a water bottle and a towel. Be prepared to sweat and have fun! Bring a friend or two to class! Perfect class for parents and teachers.

Age 18 and up

Cost: $15 per class

Payable through Venmo @Holli-Hutson-1

For questions email Holli at

Tuesdays 5:30 to 6:30 PM

Dates: June 3, June 10, June 17, June 24, July 8, July 15, July 22, July 29

Holli is a lifelong dancer and has been teaching dance for over 20 years. She holds a MA in Theater Education with an emphasis in dance and is certified in K-12 Dance and K-12 Theater. Holli has taught dance and movement at East Hamilton Middle High School, Chattanooga Ballet, Siskin Fitness Center, Mountain Arts Community Center, Covenant College and the Chattanooga State Theater Department. Holli has trained in various forms of dance throughout her life including ballet, modern, jazz, tap, swing and Latin. She has studied dance at Chattanooga Ballet, Chattanooga State, The Ohio State University, Chattanooga Theatre Centre, Dance Tonight Chattanooga, Governor's School for the Arts, Tennessee Association of Dance and the Dance Theater Workshop.

Summer Adult Tap Class

Dates: June 5, June 12, June 19, June 16, July 10, July 17, July 14
Cost: $15 Drop In Class payable Venmo @Holli-Hutson-1

Description: Come tap your troubles away in Holli's Summer Adult Tap Class. No tap dance experience necessary. Students will learn the basics of adult tap dance and get a great cardio workout as well. Be prepared to move, sweat and have fun. Wear comfortable clothes and bring tap shoes. You can purchase tap shoes online with Discount Dance Supply or in person at The Batterie on Dayton Blvd. See you in the dance studio!

Summer Theater Dance Camp 

Ages: Rising 2nd to 5th graders

Date: Week of June 9th

Time: 9 AM to 12 Noon

Cost: $225

Description: Come explore jazz dance, tap dance and choreography for jazz and tap with Holli

Hutson. Campers will have daily instruction in jazz and tap as well as learn dances in jazz and

tap. A performance will take place in the dance studio on Friday at 11:30 AM. Be sure to wear

comfortable clothes and wear dance shoes (ballet, tap and/or jazz if you have them) and bring a pair of socks. Pack a healthy snack and a water bottle.

Holli Hutson is a lifelong resident of Signal Mountain and grew up performing musical theater at the Signal Mountain Playhouse and studying dance at Chattanooga Ballet. She holds a MA in Theater Education with an emphasis in dance and is certified in K-12 Dance and K-12 Theater. She has taught dance at East Hamilton Middle High, CSAS, Chattanooga State, Chattanooga Theatre Centre Summer Academy, Chattanooga Ballet, and UTC Opera Workshop (as an undergrad). Holli has trained in various forms of dance throughout her life at Chattanooga Ballet, Ballet TN, American Dance Festival, Governor’s School of the Arts and as a freshman dance major on scholarship at The Ohio State University. She has also performed musical theater at the Chattanooga Theatre Centre and Chattanooga State.

For questions or more information email Holli at

To reserve your spot send tuition to Venmo @Holli-Hutson- 1

Summer Drama Camps with Holli Hutson

Ages: Rising 2nd to 5th grade

Week of June 2nd to 6th

Week of June 23rd to 27th

Cost: $225 per child

Time: 9 AM to 12 noon

Come explore the world of drama with Holli Hutson. Campers will learn about fundamentals of acting, creating characters, theater games, improvisation, writing an original play and acting with the script. There will be a performance in the MACC theater at the end of the week at 11:30 AM. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes and shoes, pack a snack and a water bottle.

Holli Hutson is a lifelong resident of Signal Mountain and grew up performing at the Signal

Mountain Playhouse and studying dance with Chattanooga Ballet. She holds a MA in Theater

Education with an emphasis in dance. Holli is certified in K-12 Theater and K-12 Dance. She is

a graduate of the Professional Actor Training Program at Chattanooga State and currently

studies film acting and books film jobs in the Southeast. Holli has taught theater at East

Hamilton Middle High School, the Chattanooga Theatre Centre, MACC, and Chattanooga State. She has performed in community theater on stages such as the Chattanooga Theatre Centre, Signal Mountain Playhouse, Chattanooga State, Family Theater Workshop and Oak Street Playhouse.

For questions or more information email Holli at

To reserve your spot send camp payment to Venmo @Holli - Hutson - 1

Summer Creative Writing Camp 

Date: Week of June 16th?

Times: 9 AM to 12 Noon

Ages: Rising 2nd to 5th graders

Cost: $225

Description: Come explore the world of creative writing through journal writing prompts, poetry, short stories, drama scripts and illustrations for your writing. Campers will have daily writing prompts and will be able to select what kind of writing projects they want to create that week. Materials provided for camp include journals, pencils, and art supplies for illustrations. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Pack a healthy snack and water bottle.

Holli Hutson is a lifelong resident of Signal Mountain and has been writing her entire life. She

enjoys journaling and is currently taking a writing class at the MACC working on a short film.

She holds a MA in Theater Education with an emphasis in dance and a BA in English. Holli is

certified in Secondary English, K-12 ESL, K-12 Theater and K-12 Dance. She currently teaches

ENL/ESL at Hixson High School. Holli has taught creative writing at Center for Creative Arts and while teaching middle school theater at East Hamilton High School she taught script writing in her theater classes.

For more information or questions email Holli at

To reserve your spot send tuition to Venmo @Holli-Hutson - 1

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